One thing would be if you hit the max scratch setting on your pools.
That's the common thing we hit when we that the " no space available "


From:   "Huebner, Andy" <>
Date:   11/15/2012 03:57 PM
Subject:        HP/UX SAP backup
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

I am trying to get SAP LAN free backups working.  Everything seems fine
until it reaches the end of a tape, then we get :
11/14/2012 12:50:10  ANR0522W (Session: 189263, Origin: HP-SAP)
                      Transaction failed for session 63740 for node
                      HP-SAP (TDP R3 HP) - no space available in storage
                      pool DB_D_VIRTP_09 and all successor pools.

We have looked at everything we can think of with no luck.  The backup
will not go to the next tape. Does anyone have any ideas on what I am

AIX 6.1
TSM version (built just for this)
HP/UX 11.11 (cannot be upgraded)
Storage Agent (newest available)
DataDomain VTL - LTO1 tape drives.

We have tried 1 - 8 mount points.  It will fill the first tapes then will
fail to mount any more tapes.

We are not out of space in the pool:
tsm: TSMServer>q stg db_d_virtp_09 f=d

               Storage Pool Name: DB_D_VIRTP_09
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: LTO-5
              Estimated Capacity: 204,800 G
              Space Trigger Util:
                        Pct Util: 0.1
                        Pct Migr: 0.1
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes: 1
           Reclamation Processes: 1
               Next Storage Pool:
            Reclaim Storage Pool:
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                      Collocate?: No
           Reclamation Threshold: 60
       Offsite Reclamation Limit:
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 1,000
  Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 1
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
        Reclamation in Progress?: No
  Last Update by (administrator): ANDY
           Last Update Date/Time: 11/15/2012 09:03:03
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native
            Copy Storage Pool(s):
             Active Data Pool(s):
         Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
                        CRC Data: No
                Reclamation Type: Threshold
     Overwrite Data when Deleted:

show sspool
-> Pool DB_D_VIRTP_09(76): Strategy=30, ClassId=2, ClassName=LTO-5,
       Next=0, ReclaimPool=0, HighMig=90, LowMig=70, MigProcess=1,
       MaxSize=0, Cache=0, Collocate=0, Reclaim=60, MaxScratch=1000,
       ReuseDelay=0, crcData=False, verifyData=True,
       ReclaimProcess=1, OffsiteReclaimLimit=NoLimit, ReclamationType=0
       Index=11, OpenCount=0, CreatePending=False, DeletePending=False
       CopyPoolCount=0, CopyPoolIdList=, CopyContinue=Yes
       Shreddable=False, shredCount=0
       AS Extension: NumDefVols=1, NumEmptyVols=0,
       NumScratchVols=1, NumRsvdScratch=0

Andy Huebner

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