I am trying to get SAP LAN free backups working.  Everything seems fine until 
it reaches the end of a tape, then we get :
11/14/2012 12:50:10  ANR0522W (Session: 189263, Origin: HP-SAP)
                      Transaction failed for session 63740 for node
                      HP-SAP (TDP R3 HP) - no space available in storage
                      pool DB_D_VIRTP_09 and all successor pools. (SESSION:

We have looked at everything we can think of with no luck.  The backup will not 
go to the next tape. Does anyone have any ideas on what I am missing?

AIX 6.1
TSM version (built just for this)
HP/UX 11.11 (cannot be upgraded)
Storage Agent (newest available)
DataDomain VTL - LTO1 tape drives.

We have tried 1 - 8 mount points.  It will fill the first tapes then will fail 
to mount any more tapes.

We are not out of space in the pool:
tsm: TSMServer>q stg db_d_virtp_09 f=d

               Storage Pool Name: DB_D_VIRTP_09
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: LTO-5
              Estimated Capacity: 204,800 G
              Space Trigger Util:
                        Pct Util: 0.1
                        Pct Migr: 0.1
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes: 1
           Reclamation Processes: 1
               Next Storage Pool:
            Reclaim Storage Pool:
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                      Collocate?: No
           Reclamation Threshold: 60
       Offsite Reclamation Limit:
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 1,000
  Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 1
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
        Reclamation in Progress?: No
  Last Update by (administrator): ANDY
           Last Update Date/Time: 11/15/2012 09:03:03
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native
            Copy Storage Pool(s):
             Active Data Pool(s):
         Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
                        CRC Data: No
                Reclamation Type: Threshold
     Overwrite Data when Deleted:

show sspool
-> Pool DB_D_VIRTP_09(76): Strategy=30, ClassId=2, ClassName=LTO-5,
       Next=0, ReclaimPool=0, HighMig=90, LowMig=70, MigProcess=1, Access=0,
       MaxSize=0, Cache=0, Collocate=0, Reclaim=60, MaxScratch=1000,
       ReuseDelay=0, crcData=False, verifyData=True,
       ReclaimProcess=1, OffsiteReclaimLimit=NoLimit, ReclamationType=0
       Index=11, OpenCount=0, CreatePending=False, DeletePending=False
       CopyPoolCount=0, CopyPoolIdList=, CopyContinue=Yes
       Shreddable=False, shredCount=0
       AS Extension: NumDefVols=1, NumEmptyVols=0,
       NumScratchVols=1, NumRsvdScratch=0

Andy Huebner


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