Did you start with a full backup and then just cumulative after that. I cant see
how to easily delete older full backups if only using the connector. Since they
have date/time in the file names how does one get rid of older backups if you 
did a monthly full backup and regular cumulatives In between. Plus with the
connector you cant easily see what was backed up.

If I bypass the connector and just do regular backups to folders I can easily
delete older files and let management class parameters control expirations.
And with this method seeing inactives and actives is normal.

What does the connector  benefit except negating the need for the netezza
Backups to go first to disk and then via tsm to storage pools.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Stef 
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: netezza nzbackup connector for TSM

On Wednesday 31 October 2012 12:05:20 you wrote:
> Stef,
>  Much appreciated, 5.5.4 did the trick. Just one question. For now I 
> have to share the netezza backups with other nodes in the same storage 
> pool .  I plan on eventually having  netezza in its own domain. The 
> documentation refers to setting the default management class for the 
> netezza backups but I cant do that without affecting the other backups.
> Since the TSM connector doesn't actually store the files on the file 
> system would an include in the dsm.sys still work with the connector. 
> And also is there a way to see the active/inactive files via the web client.

I'm not sure but I don't think the web client will see the files because the 
backup is done via the tsm API.

Just create a domain for the netezza backup and point backups to the same 
strorage pool.


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