On Wednesday 31 October 2012 12:05:20 you wrote:
> Stef,
>  Much appreciated, 5.5.4 did the trick. Just one question. For now I have to
> share the netezza backups with other nodes in the same storage pool .  I
> plan on eventually having  netezza in its own domain. The documentation
> refers to setting the default management class for the netezza backups but
> I cant do that without affecting the other backups.
> Since the TSM connector doesn't actually store the files on the file system
> would an include in the dsm.sys still work with the connector. And also is
> there a way to see the active/inactive files via the web client.

I'm not sure but I don't think the web client will see the files because the
backup is done via the tsm API.

Just create a domain for the netezza backup and point backups to the same
strorage pool.


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