Howdy. I'd be interested in hearing anyone who's done node replication discussing their experiences. I'm approaching the jump from v5 to v6, and am musing about my configuration to be.
I'm currently doing virtual volume copy pools, which have protected me adequately, but replicating everything by node sounds way sexier. But if I do that, do I have something which can function like a copy pool? I'm guessing that, if I lost a volume at the target location and DESTROYed it, I could re-replicate to it. Is there any way to reverse the streams and repopulate a volume on the source server? I could see something like locking the 'source' node, reversing the replication config so you can populate the 'source' from the 'target', then turning around and re-pointing the rep config and unlocking the source, but that's a little itchy; it's also complex to do this process for every node with occupation on a volume. I'm moving architecture _and_ version (AIX to Linux, sigh) so I figure since I'll be recreating my whole infrastructure one step at a time, it's a GREAT time to rethink everything. - Allen S. Rout