I didn't have any issues with the 6.3 install path; I used D:\TSMImages\AdminCenter\install.exe and installed to D:\IBM\Tivoli.
This was on Windows 2008 R2. Only install problem was the itmuser DB2 Credential test failed. Ended up putting that account name in the local Administrators Group; then install ran just fine. What are the extraneous services? I've not had any problems with Firefox 3.6.24; not allowed to use IE 8 or IE 9. Not sure about Chrome; haven't tried to install it. My major problem in Admin Center 6.x is the loss of all the scripted email reports from the 5.x Operations system. Creating those in BIRT was a disaster; trying to do anything in BIRT was a disaster. I'm trying to wrap my hands around the 6.3 Cognos reporting tool; but can't get it to send a scheduled email report. Have a PMR open on that, with the guidance being a tech note that I already knew about. Also found that 6.3 Monitoring cannot collect data from TSM 5.5.2 Servers. I thought 5.5.x was on the compatibility list, but that PMR resulted in a 'there are differences' response and 6.3 isn't compatible. ------------------------------------------------ Harold Vandeventer Systems Programmer State of KansasĀ - Department of Administration - Office of Information Technology Services harold.vandeven...@da.ks.gov (785) 296-0631 -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Neil Schofield Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 6:08 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 6.2 Administration Center I personally would not advocate moving to Administration Center 6.3 - I've had a nightmare with it starting with the installation. On Windows, the depth of the directory structure on the unpacked install media is so long that placing it more than one directory down causes the install to fail due to the length of the longest path to the files. It then installs some extraneous services that must then be disabled. (The latter problem is fixed in 6.3.1.) Once installed the performance under IE8 / IE9 is so slow as to make it unusable. Performance is better under the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox but there are links and functionality that work in IE which simply give errors in these other browsers. I've had a PMR open for a month now to do with performance under IE but it seems to be going nowhere. Meanwhile I've got a bunch of users who are openly revolting against it and want to go back to v5.5 of the TSM ISC (which to me tells you everything you need to know about 6.3!) Regards Neil Schofield Technical Leader Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. ---------------------------------------- Spotted a leak? If you spot a leak please report it immediately. Call us on 0800 57 3553 or go to http://www.yorkshirewater.com/leaks Get a free water saving pack Don't forget to request your free water and energy saving pack, it could save you money on your utility bills and help you conserve water. http://www.yorkshirewater.com/savewater The information in this e-mail is confidential and may also be legally privileged. The contents are intended for recipient only and are subject to the legal notice available at http://www.keldagroup.com/email.htm Yorkshire Water Services Limited Registered Office Western House, Halifax Road, Bradford, BD6 2SZ Registered in England and Wales No 2366682