Yes, that's what I was looking for.

David Ehresman

>>> David Bronder <> 7/22/2011 8:18 PM >>>
David E Ehresman wrote:
> Awhile back someone shared on this list their commands/scripts for
> verifying that rman was not leaving any old backups on the TSM
> I can't seem to find it now.  Ring a bell with anyone?

David, is this the thread you're remembering (both Eric van Loon & I
provided select statements that seem related to what you're looking

  Nested SQL?

(My Oracle DBA just cleaned up about 45 TB of stale/orphaned/obsolete
RMAN backups based on the report I send him monthly...)

Hello World.                                    David Bronder - Systems
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ.
of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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