We're running 8.0.1P3 on an n6210 gateway, in front of an SVC. The error we get is: >tsm> incr -snapdiff Y: > >Incremental by snapshot difference of volume 'Y:' >ANS2840E Incremental backup using snapshot difference is not supported for Data >ONTAP file server version '0.0.0'. Upgrade the file server 'x.x.x.x' to Dat >a ONTAP version '7.3' or later in order to perform incremental backup >operations > using snapshot difference. >ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for >\\\test_cifs. > Please see error log for details. >ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.
I'll be opening an ETR on this, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks! Note that TSM thinks the ONTAP version is '0.0.0' for some reason. ..Paul At 01:31 PM 7/15/2011, Frank Ramke wrote: >Hi Paul, > >8.0.1 should work. Ensure the NetApp user id has sufficient capabilities >and that it's password is not expired. > > >Frank Ramke > > > >From: Paul Zarnowski <p...@cornell.edu> >To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu >Date: 07/15/2011 12:10 PM >Subject: Re: snapdiff advice >Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> > > > >David, > >Did you get this working with 8.0.1? We're getting this error: > >>tsm> incremental -snapdiff Y: -diffsnapshot=latest >> >>Incremental by snapshot difference of volume 'Y:' >>ANS2840E Incremental backup using snapshot difference is not supported >for Data >>ONTAP file server version '0.0.0'. Upgrade the file server '' >to Dat >>a ONTAP version '7.3' or later in order to perform incremental backup >operations >> using snapshot difference. >>ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for >\\\test_cifs. >> Please see error log for details. >>ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful. > > >At 03:41 PM 6/29/2011, David Bronder wrote: >>Clark, Margaret wrote: >>> >>> Back in March, I watched a recorded presentation about DB2 reorgs >>> within TSM server, and discovered that OnTap will only allow >>> snapdiff backups to work correctly with releases 7.3.3 and 8.1, NOT >>> 8.0. Apparently OnTap 7.3.3 and 8.1 contain the File Access Protocol >>> (FAP), but 8.0 does not, so snapdiff would fail. - Margaret Clark >> >>My understanding is that it's more convoluted than that, but the FAP >>and Unicode support for ONTAP 8 came with version 8.0.1, not 8.1. >>So I should be good to go on my array running 8.0.1P5 with a >>or newer TSM client. (My NFS testing is on an older array at 7.3.2, >>but that should still be OK if there are no Unicode filenames. Even >>if there were, it should fail in a different way than I'm seeing.) >> >>-- >>Hello World. David Bronder - Systems >Admin >>Segmentation Fault ITS-EI, Univ. of >Iowa >>Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm. >david-bron...@uiowa.edu > > >-- >Paul Zarnowski Ph: 607-255-4757 >Manager, Storage Services Fx: 607-255-8521 >719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801 Em: p...@cornell.edu -- Paul Zarnowski Ph: 607-255-4757 Manager, Storage Services Fx: 607-255-8521 719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801 Em: p...@cornell.edu