David, Did you get this working with 8.0.1? We're getting this error:
>tsm> incremental -snapdiff Y: -diffsnapshot=latest > >Incremental by snapshot difference of volume 'Y:' >ANS2840E Incremental backup using snapshot difference is not supported for Data >ONTAP file server version '0.0.0'. Upgrade the file server '' to >Dat >a ONTAP version '7.3' or later in order to perform incremental backup >operations > using snapshot difference. >ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for >\\\test_cifs. > Please see error log for details. >ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful. At 03:41 PM 6/29/2011, David Bronder wrote: >Clark, Margaret wrote: >> >> Back in March, I watched a recorded presentation about DB2 reorgs >> within TSM server, and discovered that OnTap will only allow >> snapdiff backups to work correctly with releases 7.3.3 and 8.1, NOT >> 8.0. Apparently OnTap 7.3.3 and 8.1 contain the File Access Protocol >> (FAP), but 8.0 does not, so snapdiff would fail. - Margaret Clark > >My understanding is that it's more convoluted than that, but the FAP >and Unicode support for ONTAP 8 came with version 8.0.1, not 8.1. >So I should be good to go on my array running 8.0.1P5 with a >or newer TSM client. (My NFS testing is on an older array at 7.3.2, >but that should still be OK if there are no Unicode filenames. Even >if there were, it should fail in a different way than I'm seeing.) > >-- >Hello World. David Bronder - Systems Admin >Segmentation Fault ITS-EI, Univ. of Iowa >Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm. david-bron...@uiowa.edu -- Paul Zarnowski Ph: 607-255-4757 Manager, Storage Services Fx: 607-255-8521 719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801 Em: p...@cornell.edu