Here is another export, I compared the q occupancies together and the query file space together. Notice on this one the numbers for the (q occu) are a lot closer but not exact do the numbers have to match up exactly as they were on the original server?
Thanks TSM SERVER A (original server) q occu DENIVR4 Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical Name Pool Name Files Space Space Occupied Occupied (MB) (MB) ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- DENIVR4 Bkup / 2 LTO48POOL 166,635 56,405.20 56,270.16 DENIVR4 Bkup /boot 1 LTO48POOL 56 67.59 67.58 DENIVR4 Bkup /export 3 LTO48POOL 215,960 3,983.90 3,983.31 DENIVR4 Bkup /var/lib/- 4 LTO48POOL 41,184 39,792.31 39,787.38 tomcat5/- webapps/- osdm2-ad- dress/en- .us/gram- mar/nr9.- 0/addres- s/zipcod- es TSM Server B (new TSM Server) q occu DENIVR4 Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical Name Pool Name Files Space Space Occupied Occupied (MB) (MB) ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- DENIVR4 Bkup / 2 LTO3POOL 166,635 56,227.82 56,216.91 DENIVR4 Bkup /boot 1 LTO3POOL 56 67.57 67.56 DENIVR4 Bkup /export 3 LTO3POOL 215,960 3,896.04 3,895.51 DENIVR4 Bkup /var/lib/- 4 LTO3POOL 41,184 39,777.90 39,772.97 tomcat5/- webapps/- osdm2-ad- dress/en- .us/gram- mar/nr9.- 0/addres- s/zipcod- es q filespace DENIVR4 original TSM Server Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Files- Capacity Pct Name Type pace (MB) Util Unicode? --------------- ----------- ---- -------- --------- --------- ----------- ----- DENIVR4 /boot 1 Linux86 EXT3 No 96.8 49.9 DENIVR4 / 2 Linux86 EXT3 No 39,677.3 25.5 DENIVR4 /export 3 Linux86 EXT3 No 21,040.6 24.2 DENIVR4 /var/lib/t- 4 Linux86 EXT3 No 71,437.3 61.3 omcat5/we- bapps/osd- m2-addres- s/ rammar/nr- 9.0/addre- ss/zipcod- es query filespace DENIVR4 (new TSM Server) Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Files- Capacity Pct Name Type pace (MB) Util Unicode? --------------- ----------- ---- -------- --------- --------- ----------- ----- DENIVR4 /boot 1 (?) EXT3 No 96.8 49.9 DENIVR4 / 2 (?) EXT3 No 39,677.3 25.5 DENIVR4 /export 3 (?) EXT3 No 21,040.6 24.2 DENIVR4 /var/lib/t- 4 (?) EXT3 No 71,437.3 61.3 omcat5/we- bapps/osd- m2-addres- s/ rammar/nr- 9.0/addre- ss/zipcod- es -----Original Message----- From: Hughes, Timothy Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 7:38 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: RE: q occupancy or query file space which one shows the completeness of the export command data for verification? David Thanks I used the following command, isn't that suppose to export ALL data not just active to the new TSM Server it will be on now? export node dovsrv41 filedata=all toserver=tsmcoreB tim -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of ADSM-L Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 7:26 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: q occupancy or query file space which one shows the completeness of the export command data for verification? Q OCC is what I would go by, and my interpretation of those numbers (very scrunched up/misaligned on my iPhone screen) don't look right to me. I might expect some minor variation in physical/logical space occupied between source and target servers, but the number of files per filespace should certainly match up (providing you've exported like for like, and not active data only etc). Q FILES is pretty useless in this context - it reports capacity/utilisation of each filespace not how much data TSM actually has stored for it. Interested to see the comparative output of a Q AUDITOCC for this node on both servers (having run an AUDIT LIC first to update the table). David McClelland London, UK On 7 Jun 2011, at 23:51, "Hughes, Timothy" <> wrote: > Hello all, > > I exported a node ( and it's Data) from TSM SERVER A to TSM Server B, I > checked the activity log and the export completed successfully. > > I did a q occu for the node and the numbers are different however a query > file space and the numbers matchup exactly. > > Question Which one do I use to absolutely verify that everything was exported? > > I thought was query occupancy but I need to make very sure > > Thanks > > > > TSM Server A (original TSM Server) > > tsm: TSM>q occu DOVSRV41 > > Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical > Name Pool Name Files Space Space > Occupied Occupied > (MB) (MB) > ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- > DOVSRV41 Bkup DOVSRV41\- 1 LTO48POOL 72,176 6,373.05 6,359.16 > SystemSt- > ate\NULL- > \System > State\Sy- > stemState > DOVSRV41 Bkup \\govsrv4- 3 LTO48POOL 26,703 11,056.96 11,001.54 > 1\c$ > DOVSRV41 Bkup \\govsrv4- 2 LTO48POOL 319,706 93,642.55 93,537.01 > 1\d$ > > > > tsm: TSM>q filespace DOVSRV41 (original TSM Server) > > Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Files- Capacity > Pct > Name Type pace (MB) Util > Unicode? > --------------- ----------- ---- -------- --------- --------- ----------- > ----- > DOVSRV41 DOVSRV41\S- 1 WinNT VSS Yes 0.0 > 0.0 > ystemStat- > e\NULL\Sy- > stem Stat- > e\SystemS- > tate > DOVSRV41 \\DOVSRV41- 2 WinNT NTFS Yes 3,350,654.0 > 1.4 > \d$ > DOVSRV41 \\DOVSRV41- 3 WinNT NTFS Yes 79,771.0 > 32.8 > \c$ > > > > TSM Server B > > tsm: >q occu DOVSRV41 > > Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical > Name Pool Name Files Space Space > Occupied Occupied > (MB) (MB) > ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- > DOVSRV41 Bkup DOVSRV41\- 1 LTO3POOL 56,103 4,372.56 4,372.01 > SystemSt- > ate\NULL- > \System > State\Sy- > stemState > DOVSRV41 Bkup \\govsrv4- 3 LTO3POOL 21,059 5,269.11 5,268.81 > 1\c$ > DOVSRV41 Bkup \\govsrv4- 2 LTO3POOL 123,979 84,805.56 84,796.89 > 1\d$ > > Tsm> q filespace DOVSRV41 > > Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Files- Capacity > Pct > Name Type pace (MB) Util > Unicode? > --------------- ----------- ---- -------- --------- --------- ----------- > ----- > DOVSRV41 DOVSRV41\S- 1 (?) VSS Yes 0.0 > 0.0 > ystemStat- > e\NULL\Sy- > stem Stat- > e\SystemS- > tate > DOVSRV41 \\DOVSRV41- 2 (?) NTFS Yes 3,350,654.0 > 1.4 > \d$ > DOVSRV41 \\DOVSRV41- 3 (?) NTFS Yes 79,771.0 > 32.8 > \c$