Hi Paul So I assume you dont have any database dumps or TDP's from for example SQL, DB2, Oracle, Exchange or Domino, everthing is just simple file backups?
In that case, there's probably only 2 options to reduce the amount of copypool tapes: a) Divide your servers into 2 groups, one with a large incremental daily change and one group with more static servers and direct them to two different copypools. b) Like I said in my previous message, lower your reclamation threshold to around 30%, let the TSM server reduce the amount of tapes by completing the operation. This option will however probably make you end up in the same situation again in the future. The reason you have so many copypool tapes with a high pct reclaim is due to the large amount of change in your environment leading to data being expired on your copypool tapes. How does your primary pool look like? Are you seeing the same issue there with a large number of tapes having a high percentage of change? Are you having more copypool tapes than nodes? Best Regards Daniel Sparrman -----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: ----- Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Från: Paul_Dudley <pdud...@anl.com.au> Sänt av: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> Datum: 04/08/2011 08:06 Ärende: Re: Ang: Copypool storage advice The copypool is on LTO3 tapes. They are not database backups just incremental server backups Thanks & Regards Paul > -----Original Message----- > > It would be helpful to know what kind of the tape technology you're using > since the > reclamation threshold % is usually based off which technology is being used. > Smaller tapes can usually have a small threshold while larger tapes requires a > larger threshold. > > One way to reduce the amount of tapes is simply to reduce the threshold to > something like 30 and let the reclaim process run until it's complete. This > will require > enough free tape drives to a) let reclamation run until it's complete b) do > normal > operations. > > There can be several reasons why you get so high pct reclaim. One is that > you're > running full database or application backups. Since this will expire a full > backup > every day, it will cause the reclaim on your tapes to rise. Splitting your > copypool into > separate ones categorized on the type of data stored (one for fileservers, > one for > application servers for example) is one way to go, using collocation is > another. > > Best Regards > > Daniel Sparrman > > -----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: ----- > > > I currently have a lot of copypool storage tapes which are between 50 - 60% > utilization. Expiration runs daily and I run reclaimation daily on this > copypool, set to > 50. > > Is there anything I can do to try and consolidate the data onto fewer copypool > tapes? > > > > Thanks & Regards > > Paul > > > > Paul Dudley > > Senior IT Systems Administrator > > ANL Container Line Pty Limited > > Email: <mailto:pdud...@anl.com.au> pdud...@anl.com.au > > > > > > > > > ANL DISCLAIMER > > This e-mail and any file attached is confidential, and intended solely to the > named > addressees. Any unauthorised dissemination or use is strictly prohibited. If > you > received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender by return > e-mail > from your system. Please do not copy, use or make reference to it for any > purpose, > or disclose its contents to any person. ANL DISCLAIMER This e-mail and any file attached is confidential, and intended solely to the named addressees. Any unauthorised dissemination or use is strictly prohibited. If you received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail from your system. Please do not copy, use or make reference to it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any person.