The copypool is on LTO3 tapes. They are not database backups just incremental 
server backups

Thanks & Regards

> -----Original Message-----
> It would be helpful to know what kind of the tape technology you're using 
> since the
> reclamation threshold % is usually based off which technology is being used.
> Smaller tapes can usually have a small threshold while larger tapes requires a
> larger threshold.
> One way to reduce the amount of tapes is simply to reduce the threshold to
> something like 30 and let the reclaim process run until it's complete. This 
> will require
> enough free tape drives to a) let reclamation run until it's complete b) do 
> normal
> operations.
> There can be several reasons why you get so high pct reclaim. One is that 
> you're
> running full database or application backups. Since this will expire a full 
> backup
> every day, it will cause the reclaim on your tapes to rise. Splitting your 
> copypool into
> separate ones categorized on the type of data stored (one for fileservers, 
> one for
> application servers for example) is one way to go, using collocation is 
> another.
> Best Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> -----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: -----
> I currently have a lot of copypool storage tapes which are between 50 - 60%
> utilization. Expiration runs daily and I run reclaimation daily on this 
> copypool, set to
> 50.
> Is there anything I can do to try and consolidate the data onto fewer copypool
> tapes?
> Thanks & Regards
> Paul
> Paul Dudley
> Senior IT Systems Administrator
> ANL Container Line Pty Limited
> Email:  <>
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