Hello Charles You can see RMAN objects using dsmc, but you can't delete them from there.
One option is to use a select on the backups table to get the object id of the item you want to delete and use delete object to perform the deletion. I just did this with an unruly database and it works fine, but you may void your warranty as this is not supported. Another way would be to code calls to the TSM client api, making yourself look like an Oracle TDP client, and querying/deleting that way. It may not be too hard if you use the source of adsmpipe as your starting point. Regards Steve. Steven Harris TSM Admin Paraparaumu, New Zealand On 5/03/2011 8:58 AM, Hart, Charles A wrote:
We are trying to script the deletion of old RMAN backup objects (we'd use TDPOSync if it wasn't ver 2.x and didn't core dump) so we were going to delete the RMAN objects from the dsmc cmd line then RMAN would do a crosscheck to drop the orphans from the RMAN catalog. When you display the q backup of the RMAN objects they look like /adsmorc//ar.dDIATRNPA.t703456537.s4095.p1 - seems ok, except when you add those files to a list for the dsmc delete -filelise=tst dsmc returns the message Cant find object dsmc is converting the "//" to "/" ** Unsuccessful ** ANS1345E No objects on server match '/adsmorc/ar.dDIATRNPA.t701642117.s3939.p1' This diff is the object listed in the error is missing a / and a space ... In My File List /adsmorc//ar.dDIATRNPA.t703456537.s4095.p1 Whats Displayed as Not Availble /adsmorc/ar.dDIATRNPA.t701642117.s3939.p1 Has anyone dealth with this? I tried encapsulating with quoates but no luck. Thank you!!!! Charles Hart This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or his or her authorized agent, the reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.