On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:48 AM, BENSHADE wrote:

> Thanks.
> Yes, I have already ascertained that it is more than one drive - all 4 in 
> fact.  It is looking like a firmware issue the more things I try. Fortunately 
> this is not in production yet so can 'play a bit' but we need it in 
> production asap.
> I will probably have to test the drives like you say individually at OS level.
> Do you have any links or more info as to the reports of firmware 
> deficiencies, as they may be useful in seeing if there are similar problems 
> that I can ask IBM tape storage support about?

The List archives are your friend...
See http://www.mail-archive.com/adsm-l@vm.marist.edu/msg88819.html as a sample.
The hardware support people should be aware of firmware issues, as that is a 
staple in tape drive evolution: it is common for there to be dozens of fixes to 
the firmware over the life of a given drive model.  In any case, they should be 
able to assist with your site problem, as you have detailed info to provide 

   Richard Sims

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