Hi, I have not had our TS3310 long and I am still in the process of setting up and testing with TSM. I have an issues where I get a T038 Drite Tape Alert 9 - Write Protect, often when a tape is used (but not all tapes). TSM is happy and does not complain, and it seems (not yet tested 100%) that the tapes are being written to, so it is just the tape library giving the message. I would like to know why and how to stop it/fix it?
BTW: The tapes 'tabs' are set in the rw position! Any suggestions welcome. Thanks Ben The full report is ======================================== SR Serial Number: A0C0150A10 SR Problem Summary: T038 - Drive Tape Alert 9 - Write Protected SR Error Code: 38 SR Severity: High Fault code generic :0 Fault code specific :13 Element type generic:UDS-3 Media Element Location :0,1 Tape Drive Serial Number :1068012322 VolSer : B00001L5 Logical Library : library_a Fault description:All Tape Alerts posted-> 09 ======================================== 3576-MTL - SN xxxxxxxxxxx - High Priority Problem REASON FOR AUTOMATED E-MAIL RAS Status Changed LibraryTime: 01/21/2011 06:26:12 TICKET SUMMARY Ticket# 21 Name: T038 - Drive Tape Alert 9 - Write Protected Description: The tape drive was requested to write to a write-protected tape. Priority: High State: UnOpened Created: Date: Fri Jan 21 06:26:12 Type: Interactive Diagnostics Required ATTACHMENTS Library snapshot: REPAIR AND TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS DR014generic TICKET DETAILS Fault code generic :0 Fault code specific :13 Element type generic:UDS-3 Media Element Location :0,1 Tape Drive Serial Number :xxxxxxxxxxxxxx VolSer : B00001L5 Logical Library : library_a Fault description:All Tape Alerts posted-> 09 NETWORK DATA Hostname: d06adts3 DHCP: disabled IP Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Netmask: xxxxxxxxxxxx Gateway: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ethernet MAC: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Speed: 1000Mb/s Link: yes LIBRARY VERSION 587G.GS003 DRIVES Chassis:0, Sled Bay:2 Vendor: IBM Model: ULT3580-TD5 P-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: A6S0 Status: Ready Chassis:0, Sled Bay:1 Vendor: IBM Model: ULT3580-TD5 P-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: A6S0 Status: Ready Chassis:-1, Sled Bay:4 Vendor: IBM Model: ULT3580-TD5 P-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: A6S0 Status: Ready Chassis:-1, Sled Bay:3 Vendor: IBM Model: ULT3580-TD5 P-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: A6S0 Status: Ready Chassis:-1, Sled Bay:2 Vendor: UNKNOWN Model: P-SN: L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: Status: NotReady Chassis:-1, Sled Bay:1 Vendor: UNKNOWN Model: P-SN: L-SN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx FW Rev: Status: NotReady +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |This was sent by benjamin_sh...@uk.ibm.com via Backup Central. |Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com. +----------------------------------------------------------------------