A temporary fix is to use 'move data' commands on filling tapes.  If a
dataset does not span tapes it's a quick way to get more scratch tapes.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Steve Roder
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2:06 PM
To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] rotating private tapes into/out of 3584 manually

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010, Keith Arbogast wrote:

> John,
> Thank you for those details.  It sounds doable.
> When I return private volumes to the 3584, I run 'checkin libv
library_name volume_name search=bulk checklabel=yes. Then; update volume
volume_name access=readw.
> If I'm misunderstanding something, please let me know.

...been there, done this a long time ago, and never again...

I usually include stat=private on the checkin, even though TSM will not
assign a private tape a status of scratch.  You may want to use
access=offsite instead of unavailable, as TSM will mark tapes as
unavailable in certain circumstances.  If you are also using that
how will you distinguish between your "unavailables" tapes (removed) vs.
TSM's (in need of attention).

Note, however, with access of offsite or unavailable, I restore job that
needs one might fail, vs. access=readw, which will cause the server to
issue a checkin request to the server console, which you would then need
to monitor, and checkin the tape for the restore.

If you do thet into this very ugly situtation, try to checkout tapes
are less likely to be used in a restore job, or get reclaimed.  So full
tapes with low percentages of reclaimable space, or owned by nodes that
are highly unlikely to need a restore.

Sorry if I am rambling here, but this is now bringing back memories (bad

How full is your tape pool?  You can set maxscr on the pool to the
of tapes you have, and continue with all your tapes inside for a while.
This will eventually defeat the purposes of collocation, as your number
filling tapes goes down, and you do not have scratch tapes, or cells to
place them in.  Once you add a frame and tapes, this situation will
resolve itself over time, and you can also hasten it via move data and
move nodedata to reorg some of your client data to better collocate

I have told my Mgmt that having primary volumes outside our tape
is an unacceptable situation.

Steve Roder
University at Buffalo
(s...@buffalo.edu | (716)645-3564)

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