We are running TSM on RHEL 5.5. Our tape library is a 3584 with ALMS and twelve 3592-E05 drives.
Expiration and reclamation are not producing enough scratch tapes to stay ahead of their usage, so our scratch tape supply is dwindling (#18). More tapes are on the way, but only 15 empty slots remain in the 3584. Another frame for the 3584 is being negotiated, but Rome was not built in a day, administratively speaking. Given the current pace of expiration and reclamation, we could hit 0 scratch tapes. If that happens, I am thinking our only recourse will be to eject Private tapes and load new tapes manually until new capacity is in place. How is that done, properly? Is it like ejecting tapes for offsite vaulting? I don't have experience checking-out or checking-in Private volumes, so I am concerned that no data be lost due to incorrect parameters on checkouts and checkins. Is running dsmadmc in mountmode going to be the best way to do this? Or, console mode? With many thanks and best wishes, Keith