Oooh.  And the big advantage - when the NFS device fills up, it's THEIR problem!

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Allen 
S. Rout
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Data Domain: Data Domain, and SQL-Backtrack with Sybase 

>> On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 08:32:00 -0500, "Hart, Charles A" <> 
>> said:

> I could be shot for saying the following, but using a NFS share
> would provide the opportunity for you to remove the backup
> application and its associates hardware from the data protection
> stack altogether for things such as data bases which in some shops
> is 80% of the load.

> We are avid TSM users and fans but if RMAN backups directly to NFS
> mounts works well it appears there would be an opportunity reducing
> complexity and costs.

That is exactly what we are experimenting with, in a demo starting
Monday.  We've been using the TDPO shim for years, and have never
gotten free of occasional manual reconciliation, which appears to
match the general experience.  This is constant sand in the vaseline
for the Oracle admins' experience, and no pearl has accreted thus far.

Furthermore, if the dedupe works as well as advertised (hah) then
there are a variety of toys we can let the Oracle folks use, which are
usually prohibitively expensive in disk.  I don't know the buzzwords,
but Flash Recovery Area seems to be one of them.  Basically, if you've
got lots of space to store a bunch of fulls all over the place, Oracle
lets you play fun games with them.  at 20:1 dedupe ratio, this would
not be an issue.

- Allen S. Rout

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