What is your compression rate from the node?  If it is in the same range of the 
DataDomain then do you really care?

Andy Huebner

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Nancy 
L Leugemors
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:23 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Data Domain: Data Domain, and SQL-Backtrack with Sybase 


I'm looking for anyone who is using SQL-Backtrack for Sybase and Data

We are replacing our Virtual Tape libraries and physical tape library with
Data Domains.  One here onsite and another at our DR location.   We have
setup the Data Domain to emulate VTL.

We are experiencing poor deduplication rates on our SQL-Backtrack Sybase
compressed databases only.   We see a 1:1:1 dedup ratio on Sybase data
backed up with Backtrack.

When the data is not compressed, we see dedup ratios anywhere from 5:1 to
150:1 on some tapes.   Obviously, as you add backup versions of the same
DB on DataDomain, each new version gets better dedup because a lot of
common blocks are already on the appliance.   But, of course then the
backup runs 2x as long which is not acceptable for our RPO.   Our
DB2-UDB,MS-SQL,and Domino TDP all are seeing much better dedup rates.


TSM Server Version:
TSM Client:
TSM Client Sybase Version: ASE 15.0.3
TSM Client SQL-Backtrack Version:  6.8
Data Domain:  Model:  880
Data Domain OS Version:

Nancy Leugemors
Enterprise Systems
HealthNow, NY

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