>> The changing of the management class modes, won't work  the thing is We
>> aren't backing up the real one we are backing up a copy but the archive
>> doesn't know its a copy it thinks it is the real one. so somehow  we
>> need to  tell the archive domain to back it up anyway.

Okay, this is beginning not to make sense to me, perhaps it's a Novell
thing. As far as I'm aware with other TSM clients, if you were to direct the
TSM client to archive/back up an object then it usually will (unless there's
a permissions/access problem etc) - if you were to use a dynamic or shared
dynamic serialization mode on the management class it would either
archive/back it up after 'n' attempts or do so straight away, irrespective
of whether it's a changing/open file. I re-enforce Richard's statements
about whether this is a valid backup, and you'd need to test to make sure it


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Timothy Hughes
Sent: 24 March 2010 18:44
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Archive backup set from location to another


The changing of the management class modes, won't work  the thing is We
aren't backing up the real one we are backing up a copy but the archive
doesn't know its a copy it thinks it is the real one. so somehow  we
need to  tell the archive domain to back it up anyway.


David McClelland wrote:

>The OS definitely seem to think that the files they are a-changing - I'd
>consider checking that the DB application has indeed stopped performing
>updates to those files, and then perhaps looking at changing the management
>class serialization mode to dynamic or shared dynamic. And then, of course,
>test the recovery/application restart with recovered files etc just to make
>/David Mc
>London, UK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
>Timothy Hughes
>Sent: 24 March 2010 13:35
>Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Archive backup set from location to another
>The errors might be because that db runs on that box so the "enqueue"
>stopped it even though it wasnt really using that file I might have to
>change mgmt class to backup even if open even though it really isnt open
>system thinks it is.
>I am not sure
>Timothy Hughes wrote:
>>We restored  backup sets  (novell) from our server  to a clients
>>server (disk) to hold as we are getting rid of  our tape library which
>>hold the backup set tapes.  What we are trying to do now is archive
>>the 4 backup sets back over. We set up a Archive domain/management
>>class to hold them.
>>We did 1 archive so far  using the following command
>>We made up a duplicate dsm.opt file and place the ADOCGWX_10-9-09  in
>>DSMC Archive -optfile=gwc:tivoli/tsm/client/ba/dsm.opt archmc=standard
>>-subdir=yes migrate:gwc1009/
>>Where "migrate:gwc1009/" is the directory we restored to.
>>archmc=standard is  the Mgmt Class Name STANDARD
>>We check this morning and there are errors (below)
>>File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USER9VH.DB' changed during
>>processing.  File skipped.
>>File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USERB4B.DB' changed during
>>processing.  File skipped.
>>File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USERB4J.DB' changed during
>>processing.  File skipped.
>>Now have to figure out why and  probably try to Archive one of these
>>type files again (have to find the syntax to archive one file)
>>Sorry ,  this was just and example >>>    C:\dsm.optfile...  You are
>>correct that would be for Windows
>>David McClelland wrote:
>>>Hi Timothy,
>>>I'm not that hot on Novell, but is your command a little malformed?
>>>>>>dsmc  arc -optfile=file =C:\dsm.optfile...
>>>If this is right, then I've learnt something new today :O) On a Windows
>>>client it would be '-optfile=c:\dsm.optfile'
>>>>>>has anyone used use the archive command to archive data ( a backup
>>>off one server to another location?
>>>Just to be absolutely clear, are you wanting to essentially move a set of
>>>data from one client to another, or just from a client to the TSM server?
>>>>>>The -archmc=the management class. where do I put the node name?
>>>As with a BA Client backup, your nodename will default to that of the
>>>hostname of the client. If you wanted to specify a different node name,
>>>could consider using NODENAME <MY_DIFFERENT_NODENAME> in the dsm.optfile
>>>pointed to in the dsmc command.
>>>/David Mc
>>>London, UK
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
>>>Timothy Hughes
>>>Sent: 23 March 2010 17:14
>>>Subject: [ADSM-L] Archive backup set from location to another
>>>Using the Archive command
>>>Hello all,
>>>I am new at using the Archive command has anyone used use the archive
>>>command to archive data ( a backup set) off one server to another
>>>I was thinking the command would be
>>>dsmc  arc -optfile=file =C:\dsm.optfile -archmc=standard -subdir=yes
>>>sys:\x.yel*   c:\archive1.txt
>>>The -archmc=the management class. where do I put the node name?
>>>Also,  Do I have to change anything in the dsm.opt file for this type
>>>Thanks for any help in advance!
>>>novell 5.2.2. client
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