

We restored  backup sets  (novell) from our server  to a clients server
(disk) to hold as we are getting rid of  our tape library which hold the
backup set tapes.  What we are trying to do now is archive the 4 backup
sets back over. We set up a Archive domain/management class to hold them.

We did 1 archive so far  using the following command

We made up a duplicate dsm.opt file and place the ADOCGWX_10-9-09  in

DSMC Archive -optfile=gwc:tivoli/tsm/client/ba/dsm.opt archmc=standard
-subdir=yes migrate:gwc1009/

Where "migrate:gwc1009/" is the directory we restored to.

archmc=standard is  the Mgmt Class Name STANDARD

We check this morning and there are errors (below)

File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USER9VH.DB' changed during
processing.  File skipped.
File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USERB4B.DB' changed during
processing.  File skipped.
File 'MIGRATE:/GWC1009/cohq/ofuser/USERB4J.DB' changed during
processing.  File skipped.

Now have to figure out why and  probably try to Archive one of these
type files again (have to find the syntax to archive one file)

Sorry ,  this was just and example >>>    C:\dsm.optfile...  You are
correct that would be for Windows


David McClelland wrote:

Hi Timothy,

I'm not that hot on Novell, but is your command a little malformed?

dsmc  arc -optfile=file =C:\dsm.optfile...

If this is right, then I've learnt something new today :O) On a Windows
client it would be '-optfile=c:\dsm.optfile'

has anyone used use the archive command to archive data ( a backup set)

off one server to another location?

Just to be absolutely clear, are you wanting to essentially move a set of
data from one client to another, or just from a client to the TSM server?

The -archmc=the management class. where do I put the node name?

As with a BA Client backup, your nodename will default to that of the
hostname of the client. If you wanted to specify a different node name, you
could consider using NODENAME <MY_DIFFERENT_NODENAME> in the dsm.optfile you
pointed to in the dsmc command.


/David Mc
London, UK

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Timothy Hughes
Sent: 23 March 2010 17:14
Subject: [ADSM-L] Archive backup set from location to another

Using the Archive command

Hello all,

I am new at using the Archive command has anyone used use the archive
command to archive data ( a backup set) off one server to another location?

I was thinking the command would be

dsmc  arc -optfile=file =C:\dsm.optfile -archmc=standard -subdir=yes
sys:\x.yel*   c:\archive1.txt

The -archmc=the management class. where do I put the node name?

Also,  Do I have to change anything in the dsm.opt file for this type

Thanks for any help in advance!

novell 5.2.2. client

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