If you haven't been to the TSM Support Page (http://www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTivoliStorageManager.html) very recently, you'll be dismayed to learn that this helpfully product-specific page is going away - being replaced by a generalized facility which you get to from the current TSM Support Page by scrolling down a very long list of products to find TSM, then select one category of things you want to see, then wait for their website to grind and produce a page with just that information. You can navigate to other sub-areas from the left pane, but it can entail considerable delays. And because it's generalized, there's no page title to quickly let you know you're looking at TSM stuff.
Someone at IBM will probably get a bonus this year for thinking up this method of improving IBM's internal web pages organization ... by obliterating the tailored product page that we all found so useful over the years, where we could quickly get at information we needed. IBM management's focus seems to be on satisfying organizational directions more than best meeting customer needs. Richard Sims