I would take a look at the RETExtra/Only parm of the copy group, they
manage the data by date instead of versions. Managing retention time
using the versions parameters can give some unintended results (an extra
backup of a changed file will reduce the period you can restore from for

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Grigori Solonovitch
Sent: woensdag 16 december 2009 10:31
Subject: Re: TSM 5.3.4 Policy problem

Yes, but it is better to use 60 instead of 59.

Grigori G. Solonovitch

Senior Technical Architect

Information Technology  Bank of Kuwait and Middle East

Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail:

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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
William ZHANG
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:28 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.3.4 Policy problem

Hello All,

I meet a problem,

If I want to retain deleted data 60days in TSM, what commands should I
input to modified policy in TSM?

should the "versions data exists"  and "versions data deleted" be
modified from 2 to 59 , right?

These are my configuration:


tsm: SHITSM01>q copygroup

Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Copy          Versions
Versions       Retain      Retain

Domain        Set Name      Class         Group             Data
Data        Extra        Only

Name                        Name          Name            Exists
Deleted     Versions     Version

---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     --------
--------     --------     -------

DOM_SRV       ACTIVE        MC_90DAYS     STANDARD             2
1           90          90

DOM_SRV       SET_SRV       MC_90DAYS     STANDARD            90
90           90          90

STANDARD      ACTIVE        STANDARD      STANDARD             2
1           30          60

STANDARD      STANDARD      STANDARD      STANDARD             2
1           30          60


tsm: SHITSM01>q domain f=d

              Policy Domain Name: DOM_SRV

            Activated Policy Set: SET_SRV

            Activation Date/Time: 05/10/2007 11:09:44

           Days Since Activation: 951

    Activated Default Mgmt Class: MC_90DAYS

      Number of Registered Nodes: 3


 Backup Retention (Grace Period): 60

Archive Retention (Grace Period): 1,095

  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN

           Last Update Date/Time: 07/30/2009 11:30:05

                Managing profile:

                 Changes Pending: Yes

              Policy Domain Name: STANDARD

            Activated Policy Set: STANDARD

            Activation Date/Time: 05/09/2007 12:41:05

           Days Since Activation: 952

    Activated Default Mgmt Class: STANDARD

      Number of Registered Nodes: 1

                     Description: Installed default policy domain.

 Backup Retention (Grace Period): 30

Archive Retention (Grace Period): 365

  Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE

           Last Update Date/Time: 05/09/2007 12:41:05

                Managing profile:

                 Changes Pending: No


tsm: SHITSM01>q mgmtclass

Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Default       Description

Domain        Set Name      Class         Mgmt

Name                        Name          Class ?

---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

DOM_SRV       ACTIVE        MC_90DAYS     Yes

DOM_SRV       SET_SRV       MC_90DAYS     Yes

STANDARD      ACTIVE        STANDARD      Yes           Installed


STANDARD      STANDARD      STANDARD      Yes           Installed



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