- Why are you worried about emptying data from a nearly empty disk pool?
     - Very often disk pools do not empty completely every day.  That is not 
necessarily a bad thing.
- What are your capactiy problems?
     - Is the disk filling faster than it can be migrated every day?  Be sure 
your backups are efficient, no clients with negative compression of data (where 
data that is already compressed is "compressed" again, wasting space.)
         * Try this query:  q ac begind=-1 msgno=4968 search="objects 
compressed by* -"
          and look for results like this:
ANE4968I (Session: 2302261, Node: AIXxyz123)  Objects
 compressed by:                  -35% (SESSION: 2302261)
Turn compression OFF for clients like these  (Hmm...I got way too many hits for 
     - Is there not enough tape media?  Be sure you are reclaiming tapes 
effectively, both on and offsite.
          - Check to see what users are backing up.  Try to get users to 
exclude unneeded data.  Argue strongly against things like .pst files.  They 
are huge and, e-mail should be getting backed up as messages through some means 
          - Examine your retention policies, how long are you keeping data?  We 
keep some data for (expletive deleted) years,  other data for days.  Even on 
one client, some data may have different retention requirements than other 
data.  Don't use one policy for all unless policy dictates it.  The classic 
management answer to what do we keep and for how long is, "Keep everything, 
forever," but that is unsupportable.
     - Or, not enough library space?  Document, remove, and safely store media 
locally if you can't get an expansion or a new library.
     - Not enough drive resources?  Consider upgraded tape drives and/or higher 
capactiy media.

* Reclamation can be run a couple of ways.  There is a reclamation command 
(RECLAIM STGPOOL), or by using a script to UPDATE  the storage pool changing 
the reclamation threshold for the stgpool from 100% down to a lower threshold.  
You can also use Move Data operations to get data off of specific thinly 
utilized tapes

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Tuncel 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 9:47 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] emptying disk pool

Hi gurus,

I have a disk pool migrated once a day to a tape pool, but some data stays 
(capacity problems). Until I have solved that, every day I have to empty the 
disk pool deleting the data. Here are the questions:

 1.  Is there any way to empty the disk pool without deleting the volumes ? The 
only way I have found is to delete the volumes disgarding the data (after that 
re-creating them).
 2.  My TSM server is Windows 2003 based (TSM When I delete a disk 
volume, the file in Windows stays there, I cannot create it again after that, 
so I have to manually delete the files from Windows and that create the volumes 
again. Is this the way it should be ? That prevents me from automating the 
operation with a script.

Best Regards,

Tuncel Mutlu


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