You can use "move data" on the pool volumes to empty them.  A very common way 
of empting the pools is to lower the migration thresholds.
If you delete a volume there is no need to delete the file also, you can just 
re-add the volume and it will be empty, but you should avoid deleting volumes 
because you get into the tricky area of deleting data.  Most places get very 
upset is a restore can not be completed.
We rarely completely empty our disk pools.  There is always some little 
something that is below the migration threshold.  We do run backup storage pool 
against the disk pools to make sure that there is an off-site copy of the data.

Andy Huebner

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Tuncel 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 8:47 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] emptying disk pool

Hi gurus,

I have a disk pool migrated once a day to a tape pool, but some data stays 
(capacity problems). Until I have solved that, every day I have to empty the 
disk pool deleting the data. Here are the questions:

 1.  Is there any way to empty the disk pool without deleting the volumes ? The 
only way I have found is to delete the volumes disgarding the data (after that 
re-creating them).
 2.  My TSM server is Windows 2003 based (TSM When I delete a disk 
volume, the file in Windows stays there, I cannot create it again after that, 
so I have to manually delete the files from Windows and that create the volumes 
again. Is this the way it should be ? That prevents me from automating the 
operation with a script.

Best Regards,

Tuncel Mutlu


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