My money is on the SATA disk pool.  I ran into something similar with many
spindles of SATA disk and was expecting it to fly. nope.
We found out that not only was the disk I/O not as expected but that device
the disks were in only had 2 I/O ports that were supposed to be in failover
mode. But we had both running at over 80% utilization !!!

Replaced that external box with some internal drives and controllers and
then the system starting moving data.

Gerald Michalak
TSM - Certified V5 Administrator

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 08/24/2009
09:21:52 PM:

> Sumthin' wrong with those numbers.
> If you have a GigE pipe, you should be able to send 70-80 MB/sec.  thats
> 400+ MB/min, 240+ GB per hour, 4+ TB in 24 hours.
> So, either
> - your clients are having performance issues with their own disks
> - maybe you have compression or something else slowing down the client:?
> - maybe your client NIC isn't really set to GigE
> - You have a switch somewhere that is not pumping GigE...
> - Your NIC on the TSM SERVER is maxed out
> Or something like that.  I'd try some testing with FTP, to see where the
> bottleneck is, before deciding this isn't feasible.
> W
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Ochs, Duane <> wrote:
> > Good day everyone,
> > I'm looking for some workable suggestions for larger lun backups.
> > I'm talking 1.5tb and larger lun sizes. I have a number of remote sites
> > that have large quantities of hi-res image files and they need an
> > backup solution. Usually we are notified before the disks go into
> > and the backups grow as the disk is populated.
> > Normally not a big deal. Now we are in the middle of a large conversion
> > many remote sites which will require a full backup for all of the
sites. And
> > each has in excess of 6 tb of images. In addition we are also migrating
> > number of rogue sites to TSM which also have in excess of 4tb locally.
> >
> > I tried a test and ran one disk as a full over a 1gb pipe to 2tb of TSM
> > diskpool on Sata disks. It has been running for 3 days. Not only is it
> > acceptable in a real DR scenario (Currently we restore to the same site
> > the TSM server then move data back in order of importance),but,  it
> > also take weeks before I can safely say we are back to being fully
> > up.
> >
> > Other than local backups for each site... has anybody come across a
> > scenario and care to offer some advice.
> >
> > Some specifics: I have 3 TSM servers (AIX) with either a L700 or a T950
> > library.  No data is backed up locally. All data is sent over the
network to
> > a remote TSM server.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Duane
> >

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