   You might consider re-architecting to take advantage of deduplication
and replication opportunities.
   Put your remote site storage on a NetApp or Data Domain NAS device -
both of which perform deduplication.  Replicate the deduplicated data to
your home site where you can also make a TSM backup to tape for a third
copy if necessary.

   I have a Data Domain device which has 5.7TB of data which
deduplicates to 300GB - the 300GB is the amount of data that is
replicated. My NetApp devices don't quite achieve the same deduplication
ratio because the data is significantly different than what I store on
the Data Domain (NetApp=live data, DD=VM backup data) but, I keep about
40TB synchronized between two sites on my NetApps over a 1G WAN.  You
will need to discuss with the various vendors how you data might
deduplicate and what impact to application performance you might incur.
These are my experiences - there are other disk vendors which may
provide your environment with a better solution.

   This solution may require a significant departure in how you are
currently doing business but it should be something you consider.

Neil Strand
Storage Engineer - Legg Mason
Baltimore, MD.
(410) 580-7491
Whatever you can do or believe you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Ochs, Duane
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 12:54 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Large disk concerns/alternatives ?

Good day everyone,
I'm looking for some workable suggestions for larger lun backups.
I'm talking 1.5tb and larger lun sizes. I have a number of remote sites
that have large quantities of hi-res image files and they need an
offsite backup solution. Usually we are notified before the disks go
into production and the backups grow as the disk is populated.
Normally not a big deal. Now we are in the middle of a large conversion
for many remote sites which will require a full backup for all of the
sites. And each has in excess of 6 tb of images. In addition we are also
migrating a number of rogue sites to TSM which also have in excess of
4tb locally.

I tried a test and ran one disk as a full over a 1gb pipe to 2tb of TSM
diskpool on Sata disks. It has been running for 3 days. Not only is it
not acceptable in a real DR scenario (Currently we restore to the same
site as the TSM server then move data back in order of importance),but,
it will also take weeks before I can safely say we are back to being
fully backed up.

Other than local backups for each site... has anybody come across a
similar scenario and care to offer some advice.

Some specifics: I have 3 TSM servers (AIX) with either a L700 or a T950
library.  No data is backed up locally. All data is sent over the
network to a remote TSM server.


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