Hi Michael,
... no problem !
it is simply because the client acts as a solaris-fileserver
Running solaris10 + zfs there is unfortunatly currently no way do set up
disk-quotas (friend of backup)  per user.
But it is easy to group things with zfs , to have a kind of group-quata.
And you can even set up easily filespaces for every user with zfs.
This extreme splitting on a per-user base leads to a user-quota and I think
there are about 4500 user-account on that file-server.

At least the grouping is a good thing which leads to a splitting
of big filespaces  which anyway is better for tsm both on backup and restore.
We splitted our all-in-on nfs into handy parts thus moving from 1 to around 15
filespaces and it runs very fine.

Such an extreme per-user splitting (4500 filespaces) I don't know what to think 
about it.
I must say that the other extreme 'handling of very big single zfs-filespaces'
is also no problem looking only at the backup itself is an indicator
and this runs very good -- we can see big single zfs-filespaces
with >30Mio files running at a backup-speed (filescan) of >6Mio objects per 
So backup on big zfs-spaces in principal is no problem, but the restore is a 
For the backup is okay it is unfortunately not possible to restore such a 
completely with a single restore (32-bit clients).
So here we have to do anyway things to split up complete restores on
those big single-filespace-extremes.

Possibly best is to be in-between but we are still waiting for 64-bit clients
because of those occasional 4GB-dsmc-core-dump doing full restores ... someone
knows about 64-bit clients ?


Petrullo, Michael G. schrieb:

WOW! That is an incredible amount of file spaces under one node! If you
don't mind me asking, what is that client backing up?

Michael Petrullo
Storage Support Administrator
Legg Mason Technology Services
Phone: 410.580.7381
Email:  mpetru...@leggmason.com

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Rainer Wolf
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Max number of Filespaces?

I recently asked ibm and there was no known limit given. But maybe
someone knows.
We currently have one user with araound 4500 filespaces and I cannot see
any problems so far.

Another question is how to possibly do a full-restore of those splitted
zfs-perUser-filespaces (solaris):
Because finally using tapes ... I ask myself how to do a successfull
'complete restore'
on that thing.
Is it just and only possible (if using tapes) with a preceding 'move
like  'move nodedata NODE  fromstg=TAPEPOOL  tostg=FILEPOOL'   ?
Or something else ?

Cheers Rainer

Christian Svensson schrieb:

Hi *SMers,
Do anyone know the maximum numbers of Filespaces per node?

Using TSM Server on MVS.

Best Regards
Christian Svensson

Cell: +46-70-325 1577
E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson

Rainer Wolf                          eMail:       rainer.w...@uni-ulm.de
kiz - Abt. Infrastruktur           Tel/Fax:      ++49 731 50-22482/22471
Universitaet Ulm                     wwweb:        http://kiz.uni-ulm.de

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Rainer Wolf                          eMail:       rainer.w...@uni-ulm.de
kiz - Abt. Infrastruktur           Tel/Fax:      ++49 731 50-22482/22471
Universitaet Ulm                     wwweb:        http://kiz.uni-ulm.de

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