Hi, I recently asked ibm and there was no known limit given. But maybe someone knows. We currently have one user with araound 4500 filespaces and I cannot see any problems so far.
Another question is how to possibly do a full-restore of those splitted zfs-perUser-filespaces (solaris): Because finally using tapes ... I ask myself how to do a successfull 'complete restore' on that thing. Is it just and only possible (if using tapes) with a preceding 'move nodedata' like 'move nodedata NODE fromstg=TAPEPOOL tostg=FILEPOOL' ? Or something else ? Cheers Rainer Christian Svensson schrieb:
Hi *SMers, Do anyone know the maximum numbers of Filespaces per node? Using TSM Server on MVS. Best Regards Christian Svensson Cell: +46-70-325 1577 E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rainer Wolf eMail: rainer.w...@uni-ulm.de kiz - Abt. Infrastruktur Tel/Fax: ++49 731 50-22482/22471 Universitaet Ulm wwweb: http://kiz.uni-ulm.de