Preston, I'll briefly reply to response to try to make clear the the overall problem, which you don't want to acknowledge...
The plain fact is that you are running a commercial site, which is apparent to anyone who has visited Backup Central and seen the banner and sidebar sponsored links, including the one offering "Place your ad in this space: Backup Central can help you reach 1000s of new customers". And your site links itself to non-commercial mailing lists, such as ADSM-L - but in such a way that when a posting of any kind is made in a forum on your site, it gets distributed to the many hundreds of people on the unsuspecting mailing list proper. Your response to the issue is not that clear, but apparently you are now saying that the message that you sent to some 1600 ADSM-L members about proper posting behavior was intended only for your site's users, but that in the absence of an administrative communication vehicle in the design of your site, it went out beyond your site to the full external mailing list. Worse, it was poorly formulated, with no addressing preamble such as "To Backup Central participants using the TSM forum:". Without any audience distinction, the 1600 recipients on ADSM-L were left to believe that the missive was addressed at their manner of participation in ADSM-L. And, of course, the great irony is that your June 2nd message addressing the inclusion of proper contextual information so as to make messages clear was itself without context. You're obviously busy, but it's simply irresponsible to cross-link from your site to large population user groups without attentive administration. You seem to be the only one actually running Backup Central, and you are sometimes away from it for weeks, as you say. That combination just doesn't work. The magnitude of the problem resulting from the site design deficiencies and lack of attention is certainly evidence of that. It would have been nice if you had taken the magnanimous step of apologizing to the membership of ADSM-L for the mis-communication; but instead your choice was to blame an individual messenger. I would strongly advise that you sever the link between your site and external mailing lists at least until the manifest problem of intra- site communication can be fixed within Backup Central, so as to avoid incidents as occurred at the beginning of this month. It is also problematic for Backup Central to be pipelined to external forums if Backup Central is essentially running unattended, with no one to perceive or respond to problems. What I'm asking is that you respect the right that ADSM-L members have to pursue matters within the realm of the mailing list they joined, without intrusion and disruption from external sources. Richard Sims