I might be mistaking, I think this is directed at Preston's forum
users. As I read this, he is trying to educate his forum posters...
If it were any other way, I'd fully agree with you.
On 3 jun 2009, at 13:03, Richard Sims wrote:
Sorry, Preston, but your presumption to impose this "requirement" on
ADSM-L members is bogus.
Your choice to feed ADSM-L postings to your income-producing
commercial site does not in any way compel ADSM-L members,
contributing postings in good will, to comply with your dictates to
compensate for shortcomings in your site. ADSM-L exists for its own
purposes, hosted through the graces of a university which reaps no
income from that hosting. There is no requirement expressed or
implied that postings need to accommodate any other secondary purpose.
What you need to do is finally address the deficiencies of your site
by embarking upon the Web development to organize incoming postings by
thread, as other ADSM-L archiving sites do (,
/). While it certainly makes sense to include quoted elements of what
one is replying to when there are details in question, there is NO
need in a threaded discussion to voluminously include all past
elements of the discussion, as a mounting accumulation. That's
redundant, wastes Internet bandwidth, and is an untoward imposition on
Marist's disk space in hosting this mailing list (at their expense).
You are free to include ADSM-L postings on your site, but it is the
tail wagging the dog for you to try to dictate the usage of an
independent forum.
Richard Sims, at Boston University
On Jun 2, 2009, at 10:09 PM, cpreston wrote:
Before posting to this forum, you need to understand that it is also
connected to a mailing list that existed before the forum, and that
we must respect that community's wishes. EVERY forum post that you
make is immediately sent to that mailing list as an email. Messages
that include no context may make sense on a threaded forum, but make
no sense to an email user that can't easily see the previous message
to which you are replying.
Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,
Remco Post