TSM server 5.3.4 on windows 2K server. Overland Neo 4100 LTO2 library with 2 x LTO2 drives conected via SCSI 320.
We recently replaced both LTO2 drives in the library, as well as the SCSI HBA. The drives and library are fine in windows when running the HP StorageWorks libray and tape tools. Instead of updating the paths in TSM, I just deleted them. The devices were NOT deleted, just the paths: tsm: ITG-TSM>q drive Library Name Drive Name Device Type On-Line ------------ ------------ ----------- ------------------- LB6.0.0.5 MT1.0.0.4 LTO Yes LB6.0.0.5 MT2.0.0.4 LTO Yes So first I create the new path for the library and that works: tsm: ITG-TSM>define path itg-tsm lb6.0.0.5 srctype=server desttype=library device=lb6.0.0.4 online=yes ANR1720I A path from ITG-TSM to LB6.0.0.5 has been defined. tsm: ITG-TSM>q path Source Name Source Type Destination Destination On-Line Name Type ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ITG-TSM SERVER LB6.0.0.5 LIBRARY Yes But when I try to add the drives paths, I get an error: tsm: ITG-TSM>define path itg-tsm mt1.0.0.4 srctype=server desttype=drive library=lb6.0.0.5 device=mt1.0.0.4 online=yes ANR8466E DEFINE PATH: Invalid update request for drive MT1.0.0.4 in library LB6.0.0.5. ANS8001I Return code 15. Any ideas? I'm kinda at a loss of what to try next, especially because I had done this update path a while ago and it worked just fine. Thanks, Alex