Hitachi 9990x front end with FC disk for Protectier Meta Data FS and
SATA Drives for Repository FS.  The FC infrastructure form host to
storage is 4gb.  We are using the non-clustered cfg and achieving up to
500MB writes while doing 200MB reads from DB and Exchange Clients going
direct to the VTL.  



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] VTL and Dedup ( TS7569G)

On 21/03, Hart, Charles A wrote:
> It works well if you understand your data and how you can push to it 
> with in reason before you deploy another.  The IBM product likes more 
> CPU cores ... Understand these are x86 boxes... We see up to 500MBS 
> Writes to one of our VTL's that ingests Exchange Backups via the TSM 
> TDP.

What kind of backend storage do you have to get that performance?

And is the performance good when restoring as well?


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