Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of trying to set up a Windows 2008 Exchange server for
TDP for Mail/Exchange backup client which is a clustered server.  I have
gone through the manuals, but I think I am still confusing myself.  When
Setting this up, is the only file that need to be customized the dsm.opt
file?  And in this file it says nodename, is that the name of the Exchange
instance?  Or the TSM ba/archive client name?  I have the following:

Exchange Dev Mailbox Servers

Host Names                                       HMEXMB01N1  HMEXMB01N2D
Windows Failover Cluster        HMEXMB01CD  HMEXMB01CD
Cluster Mailbox Service (CMS)   HMEXMB01D    HMEXMB01D

I guess I'm more used to a Linux Domino instance where the dsm.opt file
has servername xxxxxxxxx and in this case it is nodename.  If anyone has
an example of their set up and would be willing to share I would really
appreciate it!!!!  Thanks in advance!

*                                                                      *
* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail                                  *
*                                                                      *
* Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server                        *
*                                                                      *
* Sample Options File                                                  *
*                                                                      *

NODename          hmxmb01n1
CLUSTERnode       yes
COMPRESSIon       Off
PASSWORDAccess    Generate

* TCP/IP                                                               *
COMMMethod        TCPip
TCPPort           1500
TCPWindowsize     63
TCPBuffSize       32

* Named Pipes                                                          *
*COMMMethod         NAMEdpipe
*NAMedpipename      \\.\pipe\tsmpipe

* LAN Free                                                             *

*                                                                      *
* - Scheduling Options                                                 *
*                                                                      *
*   The default scheduling mode is the client polling method.          *
*   To use server prompted scheduling, you must be sure to use a tcp   *
*   client port different than the one used by the regular backup      *
*   client.                                                            *
*                                                                      *
SCHEDMODE             Polling
*SCHEDLOGRetention     14
*SCHEDMODE             Prompted
*TCPCLIENTADDRESS      yy.yy.yy.yy
*TCPCLIENTPORT         1502

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

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