Hai Ullrich, thanks for the answer.
But as already i state, it happens only when the option "Backup or restore NTFS security information" is choosed /marked.
If it's unmarked, everything works just fine.
The Backup and archive are using the same disk storage pool (DISKPOOL), and as u can see, there're a lot of space in it.
Below i paste the volume with read-write access.


Yudi Darmadi
PT. Niagaprima Paramitra
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan No. 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12130 Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 72799949; Fax : +62 21 72799950; Mobile : +62 819 055 30830

tsm: TSM-SERVER>q vol acc=readw

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----  -------
A00002L4                  DAILY_COPY-  LTOCLASS1       0.0 M    0.0   Empty
A00006L4                  MONTHLY_TA-  LTOCLASS1       1.6 T    0.0  Filling
A00018L4                  LTOPOOL      LTOCLASS1       0.0 M    0.0   Empty
A00019L4                  LTOPOOL      LTOCLASS1       0.0 M    0.0   Empty
I:\TSMDATA\DISK10.DSM     DISKPOOL     DISK          340.0 G    0.0  On-Line
I:\TSMDATA\DISK11.DSM     DISKPOOL     DISK          340.0 G    0.0  On-Line
I:\TSMDATA\DISK12.DSM     DISKPOOL     DISK          340.0 G    0.0  On-Line
I:\TSMDATA\DISK9.DSM      DISKPOOL     DISK          340.0 G    0.0  On-Line


Yudi Darmadi
PT. Niagaprima Paramitra
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan No. 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12130 Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 72799949; Fax : +62 21 72799950; Mobile : +62 819 055 30830

Quoting Ullrich Mänz <uma...@fum.de>:

Hi Yudi,

check your TSM server. There is no space left in the backuppool. You have
to add one or more volumes.
Archiving works because archive data is saved in the archivepool.

From TSM Command Line Administrative Interface issue
 query stgpool
to determin space available in the staoragepools. In addition, check
storagepool volumes (i.e.):
 query volume * stgpool=backuppool
You may additional space (i.e. 500MB) by issuing command (let's assume,
your server is running on a Windows machine):
 define volume backuppool "c:\program
files\tivoli\tsm\server\bapoolvol.dsm" formatsize=500

Best regards

Ullrich Mänz

FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH
Ludwig Str. 180D, 63067 Offenbach, Germany

+49 69 38013500 15
+49 170 7678434
+49 69 38013500 10

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