Export server won't define your stgpools, devclasses, libraries, drives,
etc..  It exports all the things the server needs to manage the clients
the exporting server has.
Make sure you have the space, and then run your export server.  By
default, all you'll get is schedules, client definitions and
associations, domain/mgmtc/copypool definitions, etc.  You can
optionally specify filedata to come along, but if you've got a lot of
data to move and a lot of clients to move it for, you might want to
consider doing the initial empty export server, followed by export
node... One at a time, by list, by domain...  It's best to do it in
chunks that can be run from start to completion in the interval between
backup windows.  Otherwise, the node backs up again to the original
server before the export's finished, necessitating a followup merging
export, or if you point the node at the new server, the node backs up
everything the new server doesn't already know about.  When I move
nodes, I do one big one at a time, or a reasonable mess of smaller ones
as a group.  And on my biggest ones, I just can't get 10TB across a
single 1000bT link in 10 hours(it takes more like 30), so it's the
export/repoint/export-mergefilespaces routine.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.2.9: Migration from AIX to SuSE Linux

Thanks for your responses!

None of the storage pools definitions came across.

For the import / export I'm connecting over the network. When I did the
DB backup, I was able to read the tape. This is what I was getting
trying to do a DB restore:

ANR8328I 001: LTO volume 000431L3 mounted in drive DRIVE1
ANR1368W Input volume 000431L3 contains sequence number 16777216; volume
sequence number 1 is required.
ANR8468I LTO volume 000431L3 dismounted from drive DRIVE1
(/dev/IBMtape0) in library 3584SHARED.


According to this doc, the only option that we have is to export/import
the database.

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