On Aug 26, 2008, at 17:26 , Richard Sims wrote:
TSM macros and scripts are rather primitive, where doing much more than issuing commands and reacting to return codes is clumsy at best.
They are. Still, somewhere I got the impression that what I want to do should be possible, my example is a very simplified version of what I want to do.
The TSM goal of site-issued messages usually attempts to deal with exceptional events. Rather than try to rig some kind of periodic script checking the database level, I would attempt to accomplish the task using provided facilities.
The first one I would consider would be TSM server Event Logging, which is the best intended facility for the task. You could employ a FILETEXTEXIT writing to a FIFO which is read by a perl program, as a simple expedient, or write a C program for a USEREXIT type of implementation.
I've investigated userexit, how comfy would you be linking your own code into the TSM server? The userexit is a scary solution, I wouldn't touch it with a very long pole even if my life depended on it.
More advanced is the SNMP facility, where you could perform SNMPTRAPs to convey event info to a central monitoring facility (often a commercial product), where such a monitoring instance usually provides a gamut of organizational information distributing, alerting, tracking, and historical reporting.
At this customer we have TEC available.
Richard Sims http://people.bu.edu/rbs
Great solutions, unfortunately, none answer my question. -- Met vriendelijke groeten, Remco Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]