On 26 aug 2008, at 17:04, Kauffman, Tom wrote:

You mean something like this?

Yes, something like that, but entirely within TSM, so a real TSM
server script ;-)


DBUTIL=`dsm_cmd.pl "select pct_utilized from db" | tail -2`
echo "Database is $DBUTIL% full\n"

exit 0

columbia:-:/home/kauffmant > ./dbutil.sh
Database is         67.0% full

Just a two-minute hack, could use a bit of cleanup.

Dsm_cmd.pl is part off the adsm.pm perl interface to adsm found
here: http://www.io.com/~ocrow/ADSM/Adsm.html

Tom Kauffman

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Remco Post
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:45 AM
Subject: select and script

Hi all,

I'm convinced that it should be possible in TSM to do something like
the following in a TSM server script:

select into %1 pct_utilized from db
issue message I REMCO001 datbase for server is %1 percent full

But I can't anything anywhere on the web or the TSM manuals to point
me in the right direction. Am I mistaking, can't this be done? Or am I
not looking in the right places?

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,

Remco Post, PLCS

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,

Remco Post, PLCS

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