On Jun 24, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Kelly Lipp wrote:

Time to buy another tape drive for your library!  TSM hates systems
aren't designed correctly.

If you have disk space, you could issue move data commands on the
volumes needing to be reclaimed:

Tsm> move data volumeintapepool tostg=diskpool

Poor man's reclamation processing.

That will work well to get tapes emptied.  Be aware that where random
storage pools participate in a MOVe Data that aggregate reconstruction
can't happen, so you won't get back as much space as with the
participating pools both being sequential, which is an issue where you
are working with a small complement of tapes.

As Kelly suggests: Being an Enterprise product, TSM expects to be
working with generous resources, including multiple drives in
libraries.  Skimping greatly constrains TSM's processing, and you'll
likely spend as much in human technician time to compensate as you
would in acquiring adequate hardware resources.

   Richard Sims

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