
We just started to use TSM a couple of months ago and it has been a lot
of fun ;-) to discovery the solutions for our problems.

We have another one now, about the volume reclamation. The scenario:

.A disk pool  named DISKPOOL
.A Tape Library named ON_SITE_POOL with one drive
.Another Tape Library named OFF_SITE_POOL with also one drive.

As each tape library (TL) has just one drive, for doing the volume
RECLAIM, according to the TSM AG manual, we should define a storage pool
with device type DISK and make it the reclaim storage group (RSG) of TL.

The problem is that, I think, we should have one RSG for each TL has the
RSG has to have the return of the data back to the TL with this
parameter nextstgpool.

Question: is there a way to make this easier? For instances can I use
the two TL for doing the job, one being the RSG of the other?

I would appreciate some help on this because I have more reclamation
space than the actually used...


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