there are no request, no processes outstanding.

Original I moved the drmedia tostate=onsiteretrieve and then tried to check
it in but could becuase the library was full.  Now that I have few empty
slots, I am trying to check it in but cannot
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, start by doing Query PRocess and Query REQuest to see what may
> be active for the volume.  Use Query LIBVolume to spot check, and
> search back in the Activity Log to see what has been going on with the
> volume.  Poke around and gather more info.
> Context is lacking in the posting...  If an LTO volume, 8-character
> volume names may be in effect, with L1 or L2 suffix characters.
>  Richard Sims
> On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Erwin Zavala wrote:
> tsm: LTSM>checkin libvol i500 000071 status=scratch
>> ANR8833E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Volume 000071 in library I500 is
>> currently being
>> checked in or checked out.
>> ANS8001I Return code 12.
>> tsm: LTSM>checkout libvol i500 000071
>> ANR8433E CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME: Volume 000071 is not present in library
>> I500.
>> ANS8001I Return code 4.

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