Well, start by doing Query PRocess and Query REQuest to see what may be active for the volume. Use Query LIBVolume to spot check, and search back in the Activity Log to see what has been going on with the volume. Poke around and gather more info.
Context is lacking in the posting... If an LTO volume, 8-character volume names may be in effect, with L1 or L2 suffix characters. Richard Sims On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Erwin Zavala wrote:
tsm: LTSM>checkin libvol i500 000071 status=scratch ANR8833E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Volume 000071 in library I500 is currently being checked in or checked out. ANS8001I Return code 12. tsm: LTSM>checkout libvol i500 000071 ANR8433E CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME: Volume 000071 is not present in library I500. ANS8001I Return code 4.