And me:
On the client:
* Client-key encryption for all TDP's.
* Setting in dsm.sys/opt that makes it impossible for the TSM-server to 
override any security settings on the client.
* Client having an option to choose another compression algorithm(ZLIB for 
example) that is faster and less CPU-intensive at the expense of compression 
ratio.(Oracle 11 has this possibility for rman)
* Update of the TDPO-redbook(it is from 2001)
* Stronger integration CDP/TSM. Ability to both encrypt and compress on the 
On the server:
* All the things I hope DB2 will offer(more powerful SQL-queries, online 
re-org, block-read-ahead, scalability and so on.)
* That thing about keeping tape stats even after a volume has been assigned to 
* Some tools to better understand performance issues on the server. Maybe a 
closer integration with the OS to collect and correlate disk/tape/network/cpu 
with TSM-server performance.
* Make it easier to manage licenses. Maybe make the clients report to TSM. They 
already run as root so I don't see the problem.
* Do something smart with virtual volumes so that it becomes a viable 
alternative for remote site copy pools. I think it is a mess now.
Drop questions on ISC/Admin Center in the certification tests so I won't have 
to guess or worse - learn it ;-)
Hans Chr.


Fra: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager på vegne av Skylar Thompson
Sendt: ma 05.05.2008 16:54
Emne: Re: Fantasy TSM

For me,

On the server:

* Ability to expire all files in a filespace.
* Ability to move filespaces between nodes. I know proxy node kind of
gives us this, but that requires some planning ahead of time.
* Ability to make archives from backups on hand.
* Ability to do multiple operations on a filespace at a time. It would
be nice to be able to do an export and a backup to a filesystem at the
same time.

On the client:

* Better terminal support. I have yet to see backspace work anywhere.
* Less confusing status messages. With lots of filesystems it's hard to
see what the progress is on each one.

-- Skylar Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S048, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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