There's a new NDMP Option with TSM 5.4 where you can perform an IP based
backup to a TSM Storage Pool, which then should allow you to process as
any other TSM Data hitting a stgpool... 

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Curtis Preston
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Fantasy TSM

> I'm wondering if TSM could take the NDMP dump and post-process it, to 
> carve out the changed files only and handle them according to regular
> classes.

It is possible to do that, but I know of only one product that does it.
Avamar processes (inline, actually) the dump stream, figures out which
blocks are new and keeps them.  That means it's totally possible.

The question is whether or not IBM sees enough revenue from the NDMP
agent to do that much work on it.

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