Nothing obvious in the dsmsched.log file.... how about dsmerror.log?

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2008-04-16

> I have a TSM server running running on Windows 2003 server.
> My client in Windows 2000 sp2 server with ba client
> My schedule SQL_SERVER_SCHEDULE fails because I get an ANS1512E
> error in my dsmsched.log file.
> However when I review the log file, it appears that everything was
> Any ideas on how to fix this?
> Snippet of the dsmsched.log file from client:
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Node Name: SRVICE
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Session established with server SRVTSMBACK1: Windows
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28   Server Version 5, Release 4, Level 3.0
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28   Server date/time: 04/15/2008 00:39:28  Last
> access: 04/14/2008 18:40:27
> 04/15/2008 00:10:00
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Incremental backup of volume '\\srvice\c$'
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Incremental backup of volume '\\srvice\d$'
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Incremental backup of volume 'SYSTEMOBJECT'
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'COM+ Database'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'Event Log'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'System and Boot Files'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'Registry'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'RSM Database'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:28 Backup System Object: 'WMI Database'.
> 04/15/2008 00:39:31 ANS1898I ***** Processed       500 files *****
> 04/15/2008 00:39:32 ANS1898I ***** Processed     1,000 files *****
> 04/15/2008 00:39:33 ANS1898I ***** Processed     2,000 files *****
> 04/15/2008 00:39:34 ANS1898I ***** Processed     3,000 files *****
> 04/15/2008 00:39:35 ANS1898I ***** Processed     3,500 files *****
> 04/15/2008 00:39:36 ANS1898I ***** Processed     4,500 files *****
> .
> .
> .
> .
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->            15,120
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\upwizun.exe [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->            20,240
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\vmmreg32.dll [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->           256,192
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\winhelp.exe [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->           270,608
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\winhlp32.exe [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->           193,296
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\winrep.exe [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Successful incremental backup of 'System and Boot
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->            28,672
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.
> [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->            45,056
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.
> [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:55 Normal File-->        10,420,224
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.
> [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Normal File-->         2,650,112
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.
> [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Normal File-->           143,360
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.sys\W2KReg\REGISTRY\USER\.
> DEFAULT\Device\HarddiskVolume2\WINNT\system32\config\default [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Successful incremental backup of 'Registry'
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Normal File-->           126,976
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\system32\NtmsData\Export\NtmsData [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Normal File-->               780
> \\srvice\c$\WINNT\system32\NtmsData\Export\NtmsReg [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Successful incremental backup of 'RSM Database'
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Normal File-->           770,359
> \\srvice\c$\adsm.sys\WMI\WMIDBFILE [Sent]
> 04/15/2008 00:41:56 Successful incremental backup of 'WMI Database'
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects inspected:   24,925
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects backed up:    2,078
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects updated:          0
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects rebound:          0
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects deleted:          0
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects expired:         19
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of objects failed:           0
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Total number of bytes transferred:    484.84 MB
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Data transfer time:                   45.66 sec
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Network data transfer rate:        10,872.67 KB/sec
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Aggregate data transfer rate:      3,329.97 KB/sec
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Objects compressed by:                    0%
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Elapsed processing time:           00:02:29
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
> 04/15/2008 00:10:00
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'SQL_SERVER_SCHEDULE'
> failed.  Return code = 12.
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Sending results for scheduled event
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Results sent to server for scheduled event
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Querying server for next scheduled event.
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Node Name: SRVICE
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Session established with server SRVTSMBACK1: Windows
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57   Server Version 5, Release 4, Level 3.0
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57   Server date/time: 04/15/2008 00:41:57  Last
> access: 04/15/2008 00:39:38
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Next operation scheduled:
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Schedule Name:         SQL_SERVER_SCHEDULE
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Action:                Incremental
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Objects:
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Options:
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57 Server Window Start:   00:10:00 on 04/16/2008
> 04/15/2008 00:41:57
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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