I have scheduled a presentation in our offices (Seattle) on TSM 6.1
soon, but here is what the sales folk are saying:

As a matter of fact there are some significant changes 'scheduled' to be
incorporated with TSM 6.1. Let me know if you would like a more formal
and comprehensive look at some of the new features in TSM 6.1. I can set
up a webinar to go over the new features. 

Below is some of the highlights of what to expect in TSM 6.1. One thing
to note is, not all these features may make it into the first release of

Scalability, Availability and Performance 
- Server scalability - upgraded TSM DB ( 6.1 is going to use DB2 as the
- Data de-duplication 

Enhanced out of the box Administration and Reporting: 
- Improved server install and config 
- Admin Center updates 
- reporting / monitoring enhancements 

Windows Platform enhancements 
- Enhanced Exchange mailbox restores 
- AD item restore 

N series integration and backup enhancements 

Here is some additional information on the de-duplication piece: 

- De-duplication processing performed on TSM server and tracked in TSM
- reduced redundancy for: 
        * Identical objects from same or different client nodes 
        * common data chunks ( subfiles, extents) in objects from same
or different nodes 
- out-of-band detection of duplicate data on the TSM server so that
backup are not impacted 
- space occupied by duplicate data will be removed during reclamation
- Allowed for all data types including, backup, archive, HSM, TDP 
- Transparent to client 
- Data migrated or copied to tape will be reduplicated 
- Reporting of space savings in deduplicated storage pools "

DB2 should be the biggest boost to performance and database

Thank you, 
Bill Evans 

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Nicholas Rodolfich
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM being abandoned?

An IBM TSM person told me that TSM v6 will have db2 for its database and
they are shootng for an announcement in October.   Yeehaw!!


Nicholas Rodolfich
Network Administrator (AIX)
East Jefferson General Hospital
504-883-6955 (office)
228-223-1187 (mobile)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/16/2008 2:46 PM >>>
It is slotted to be released Jan 2009.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Timothy Hughes
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM being abandoned?

Is Version 6 going to be released this Year or Next?


Colwell, William F. wrote:

>I have been configuring a new TSM server since last November.  At
>I wanted a VTL.  But when I learned from the Oxford symposium
>that TSM would have its own dedup in version 6,
>and considering the cost of the vtl, I ditched it and ordered a lot
>of SATA arrays for less money.
>I think in a few years after v6 is widely installed, VTL's won't look
>for TSM sites.  Assuming it all works of course.
>your VTL vendor may just have been whistling past the graveyard.
>Bill Colwell
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>Paul Zarnowski
>Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:08 PM
>Subject: Re: TSM being abandoned?
>Deduplicating VTLs fit better into NBU sites.  TSM's progressive
>incremental methodology already reduces the data stream, making
>VTLs less of a "win", though it can still be beneficial.  My point is
>VTL vendors may not look as positively on TSM as they do on other
>less-efficient backup solutions, because they don't sell as much VTL
>product to them.  IMHO.
>>A VTL vendor said he is seeing a number of mid-sized businesses
>>migrating from TSM to NBU (Symantec). Do you think this is true? My
>>concern is that the pool of support techs will shrink and put us in
>>Orin Rehorst
>>Port of Houston

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