Hi all

Critical hardware outage over the weekend (aren't they all) on failover to
second site TSM wouldn't come up

080215-172046:  ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 17:00:49 on Mar 15 2007.
080215-172046:  Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX-RS/6000
080215-172046:  Version 5, Release 3, Level 5.0
080215-172046:  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
080215-172046:  (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2006.
080215-172046:  All rights reserved.
080215-172046:  U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use,
duplication or di sclosure
080215-172046:  restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
080215-172046:  ANR0900I Processing options file
080215-172102:  ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded.
080215-172103:  ANR7821E Error reading from standard input.
080215-172103:  ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress.
080215-172104:  ANR0259E Unable to read complete restart/checkpoint
information from any
080215-172104:  database or recovery log volume.
080215-172104:  DSMULOG Terminating.

Now it turns out that someone had run some dsmfmt commands to format some
log copies, but these had never been added to the instance. I only figured
out what had happened by running ls -l on everything in the dsmserv.dsk

The fix was to delete the offending files from dsmserv.dsk and restart and
all was well.

But,  the ANR0259E message implies that it checks all the DB and log
volumes.  There were four good logs and four good DB volumes, and the "bad"
log volumes had been formatted but never used, so that should be easy to

Can anyone enlighten me as to what the REAL startup check is?



Steven Harris
TSM Admin, Sydney, Australia

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