Q DRM * gives you the list of tapes in the COPY pool that aren't marked
(By default it also includes the DBBACKUPS, unless you specify something
else on the Q DRM)

Depending on when you run the Q DRM, it MAY be the same as the tapes
created that day.
It will USUALLY be the tapes created since the last time you did vaulting.

On 1/15/08, Matthew Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would this be the count of tapes made mountable that day?,   q drm *
> wherestate=mountable?  - I don;'t have access to a TSM server to test a
> select for the same info. That would assume you are moving mountable tapes
> to state 'vault' each day.
> Matt.
>           Internet
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                                       To
>                                                 ADSM-L
>           Sent by: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
> cc
>           04/01/2008
> 18:12
> Subject
>                                                 [ADSM-L] Select statement
>                 Please respond to
>                ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
> Hello,
> Does anyone has a select statement I can use to find out how many tapes
> I used on a daily basis?
> Thanks!
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