Hello, we would like to get a list of nodes where the option "PASSEXP" is unequal 0. We used the following SQL statement: tsm: SA023ADD>select node_name, passexp from nodes where passexp<>0 ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANS8001I Rückkehrcode 11. But we definitely have nodes where the option passexp is not set. So this field is complete empty. Why wouldn't our select statement show this nodes? Any help is appreciate. With kind regards,
Boris Herrmann Produktion / Heterogene Systeme ARAG IT GmbH ARAG Platz 1, 40472 Düsseldorf Tel: +49 (0)211 964-1137 Fax: +49 (0)211 964-1155 [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ARAG.de <http://www.arag.de/> Geschäftsführer: Ottmar Liebler, Hanno Petersen Sitz und Registergericht: Düsseldorf, HRB 10934 USt-ID-Nr.: DE 119 356 473