> There is always the risk that when you read off of EVERY tape to write
> to new media, you will find some un-readable data, (which is what you
> always hear folks saying about tape), but in our case we read over 800TB
> of data with over 700,000,000 objects and had 32 files comprising 5MB
> that was unrecoverable (they were in a storagepool we do not put on a
> copypool on purpose). I found that a very acceptable statistic.
> Ben

I have to agree.  We migrated our primary pools from 3590 to 3592, over
600tb, with very few problems.  I think that expiration/reclamation forces
almost all our tapes to be used on some regular basis.  I think this is
a strength - it's more work, but tapes get used regularly.


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